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Welcome to Naenae Primary School
Naenae Primary School sets out to meet the complete range of the educational needs of children residing within our large and diverse community. |
We are a unique school, not only do we offer education in the English New Zealand curriculum but we also have a range of classes that ensure your whanau feel welcome and at home here in our kura. These include Tava’e, our Samoan bilingual classes, Kohanga te Ra, our total immersion Te Reo Māori classes and Conductive Education who specialise in special education.
We provide a positive learning environment that highly values cultural identity and encourages our learners to strive for their best everyday. The skills they develop will set them up for their future. OUR VALUESCAREC - Care / Manākitanga A - Assist / Awhinatanga R - Respect / Whakaute E - Excel / Hiranga |
We pride ourselves in providing a challenging and stimulating environment which maximises the emotional, intellectual, physical and social development of our tamariki.
We believe in a safe environment where care and respect is valuing others, taking responsibility, showing self-respect and self-discipline, being honest and achieving excellence in oneself.
In everything we do we will do it to the best of our ability.
The Best We Can Be. Our Journey of Excellence.
Nga Tamariki Toa
We are a whānau who demonstrate Care and Respect for Each other, C.A.R.E. We celebrate our cultural diversity within a warm and friendly environment. We have a strong sense of Mana Whenua - Belonging.
Everyone has mana. Everyone has whakapapa.
Nā tāu rourou, nā tāku rourou ka ora ai te iwi.
With your food basket and my food basket the people will thrive.
Whatungarongaro te tangata, toitū te whenua - As man disappears from sight, the land remains.
Here at our school we take pride and joy in looking after our whenua. Papatuānuku is very important to us. So much so, that each week, Murray our tumuaki spends time with our senior kids working with the land, to make sure it is clean, fresh and most of all healthy.
“What makes you different makes you beautiful!”
This is what we believe in our kura. There is nothing more important than being unique, so we have a team fully dedicated to look after those in high need, to support them in every way possible. Special needs are never a barrier here, just a well catered and tailored way of working with specific tamariki and their specific needs.
Criteria Applies
Our pride is our identity, our heart is our culture and this is what we carry here at Naenae Primary School. We value where our ancestors came from, where we "tupuga mai ai". So we hold on tight to our "Gagana'' our "Language", we learn about our roots and customs. Like those before us, we will pass this knowledge on to the next generation. So that our Samoan language and ‘aganu’u’- culture will live on for generations to come. As the Samoan proverb goes, "E mamae le Tava'e i ona fulu" which means "We are proud of who we are and where we come from".
Criteria Applies
“Ko te reo te mauri o te mana Māori” The language is the life force of Te Mana Māori.
Uia mai koia, ko wai te whare nei! Ko wai te whare nei? Ko Kōhanga Te Rā!
Ko Raumanuka ki runga, ko Te Ngaengae ki raro!
We are happy and proud to introduce our total immersion unit ‘Kōhanga Te Rā’. This unit caters to tamariki from year 0-8
Criteria Applies
12 Feb 2025
14 Feb 2025
22 Feb 2025
25 Feb 2025
Talofa Lava Parents
Please check your child's bag, a notice went out in regards to upcoming events this week.
Faamanatu atu le tafaoga a le fanau i le Aso Faraile 14th Fepuari. E fai le tafaoga a le fanau i Days Bay. Faamolemole e manaomia le saini online e iloa ai le aofa'i o tamaiti o le a auai atu i le Aso Faraile. Please we need all permission slips in. You can also sign online!
This is what they will need on Friday 14th Feb (this week):
- School Uniform (please name all clothing)
- Hat (please name hat)
- Togs and Towel (please name)
- Full Lunch
- Drink Bottle - WATER ONLY
If you have any questions please let me know - my door is always open :)
Fa'afetai lava,
Kia ora e te whānau
Camp 2025 is fast approaching! We are having a Whānau Hui to discuss the organisation etc of our camp.
When: Monday 2nd December 5pm
Where : Staffroom
We need all whānau to attend. If you can’t come in person we have a Zoom link:
Zoom link
If you need this link emailed please contact Kirsten kirsten.reid@nnps.school.nz
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